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Minecraft Pocket Edition- 0.12.0+: A Look Into The Future (What May Happen Next) + Nether Confirmed!!! + My Own Ocelot and Crouching Concept

Sure, 0.11.0 made MCPE a lot closer to PC than ever before, but there is some left.
What about potions? Ocelots? The Nether? The End? Redstone? Enchanting, at least?

I have a great answer for that. Drumroll please... No one knows. That is why people make concepts about them to show what they may end up like. The one above is one I made myself. If you wish to learn how to do this, please see my previous post-

Well, one thing has been confirmed for upcoming updates- The Nether.

No one knows exactly when it will be added, so don't be disappointed if it doesn't happen in the next update or so. But we know one thing for sure: it will happen real soon.

Another thing that is coming real soon is potions and enchanting. If you dig into the files of MCPE you can find potions, enchanting, and more, which isn't currently in the game. Quite a few have discovered this.
So I can predict that in the next update there will probably be the Nether, potions, enchanting, and ocelots. Maybe even redstone. But not the End just yet, I think. It must be harder to code than others because of the Ender Dragon, which is pretty complex.

Anyways, the concept below is my same one except as a screenshot.

All I can say is the future looks very promising, especially for MCPE... 
