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Showing posts from June, 2016

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Minecraft PE 0.15.0 Builds: Diamond Boots Pixelart and Red Angry Bird Builds

Hello, guys! This is Arca, and I am sorry for  not getting a chance to post yesterday. Also a shout out to Josh, as always!    According to the last poll, the two builds you wanted to see the next were a Red Angry Bird flying, and diamond boots pixelart. So without further ado, let me show them to you! As you can see above, my diamond boots pixel art is an exact replica of what the item diamond boots looks like in the game. It has a black and grey outline, and a dark blue part of the boots toward the right side. On the left side, I used diamond blocks to give it the color that it has. The white reflections are made using iron blocks. You can see one of my red Angry Birds above. I will show you two of them. The first one, and most recent one, that I made is red, just like the character. It has a peach-colored stomach and a beak that is yellow and orange. It has big black eyebrows and the signature feather at the top. You can't see it in the pictur...

Angry Birds Star Wars: The Force Awakens Fanart- Poe Dameron Bird and Starkiller Base

Hi, this is Arca. I know that I haven't posted in over 3 days, and that is since I go to summer camp. Instead of doing 2 posts a day, I will usually just stick to one post every day. Anyways, according to the last poll, the two things you wanted me to draw were Angry Birds Star Wars versions of Poe Dameron and Starkiller Base. (The "Other" section was also tied, but somebody responded "moo" which is not a Star Wars character, so that wasn't counted.) Also, I would like to give a shoutout to my camp counselor Josh for wanting to check out my blog and also for being very nice. Anyways, let's get into the post! As shown above, the Starkiller base I made resembles a pig. It has piggy ears, tiny eyes, and a snout in between. In the movie, Starkiller base is seen with a crack-like trench through the side. In the middle of the trench is the snout. The nostrils are glowing red, and that is where the laser can fire. The entire thing is shaped like a...

Minecraft Pocket Edition Pixel Art: Water Bottle Potion + Kylo Ren Mask Pixel Art in MCPE (0.15.0)

Hello guys! Sorry for posting so late. This is my first post today. Sorry for not posting yesterday! I am back with some more Minecraft Pocket Edition builds that I made. According to the last Google+ poll, the two builds that you wanted to see me do next are a Minecraft water bottle pixelart and a Kylo Ren mask from Star Wars. So here is my post about it! As shown above, I make Kylo Ren's mask. The black mouthpiece has some grey outlines making a shape almost like the uppercase letter "A". The most of the upper mask is grey, and has some black lines in it. The eye piece is also black. There are small black pieces coming out of the sides of the mask. The top of the mask is a black staircase with a flat top.  As you can see above, the water bottle potion is a pixelart and almost exact replica of the classic water bottle texture in Minecraft. The outline is white, and it has some white inside, too. I filled in the rest of the first layer with glass. The ...

Angry Birds Star Wars: The Force Awakens Fan Art- Kylo Ren Pig and Rey Bird

Hey, everyone! This is Arca, and this is my first post for today. I may not be able to make a second post since I went to the beach, and came back a bit late. According to yesterday's Google+ poll, the two fan arts that you wanted to see the most were a Kylo Ren Pig and Rey Bird from Angry Birds Star Wars. Jar Jar Binks riding on a unicorn was also tied with the others, but Xiang used two accounts to vote twice, so that only counts as one person, so therefore only one vote. Without further ado, here are by drawings! As shown above, the Kylo Ren Pig;s body consists mostly of his mask. SMALL MOVIE SPOILER AHEAD: Since Han Solo and Leia Organa are his parents, and they are both birds in the game, he would also be a bird underneath his mask, just like Darth Vader was in the game. Since his parents are yellow and pink, he would theoretically be an orange bird underneath, slightly shaped like a triangle. You can see that under his cloak, the sides of his body are pointed an...

Minecraft Pocket Edition Builds: FIRST ORDER STORMTROOPER HELMET AND BB-8 PIXELART (0.15.0)

Hello, guys! This is my second post today. I decided to do something about Minecraft. Since earlier today I had made a post showing some Angry Birds Star Wars fanart I decided to showcase some more of my Star Wars fan creations. Using Minecraft Pocket Edition, I built a 3D First-Order Stormtrooper helmet and a BB-8 pixel art. (Coincidentally, these are the same characters that I did a fanart on earlier today,) Please note that I was using the new update 0.15.0, which I will try to do a post on either tomorrow or Sunday. Without further ado, let me show you my builds! As you can see above, I made a BB-8 pixel art. I referenced my BB-8 toys and some pictures I found online of the actual BB-8. It tried my best to make a smooth circle shape, but as you can see, I failed a bit since the left side is kinda lumpy. I did individual orange circles with rectangles inside and little grey bits. I filled in most of the remaining inside with different types of quartz blocks, which gave ...

Angry Birds Star Wars: The Force Awakens Fanart- First Order Stormtrooper Pig and BB-8 + Darth Jar Jar Fanart

Hello, guys! My school is out and summer is here. I know I promised to make 2 posts a day, so here is my first post for today. I decided that since my parents recommended that since my drawings are very good, and to put them on my blog, I wanted to show you some Star Wars fanart I made. I am a big Angry Birds fan and the Angry Birds Star Wars games  are some of my favorite AB games, and enjoyed watching the movie. When I was playing it, a question came into my mind: What if Rovio made a game for Star Wars: The Force Awakens? This drove me to make some fanart of this cool crossover. The one above is a First Order Stormtrooper as a pig. This one was more difficult to make than the BB-8, and I had to reference two pictures: A First Order Stormtrooper and a stormtrooper from Angry Birds Star Wars . I tried my best to combine the two. I started with the original stormtrooper pig, then added the mouth outline around the snout. I added some iconic details a...

I AM NOT DEAD- More posts coming up, possible upgrade, and blog survey (Personal Update for June 2016)

I know it has been over a month since the last time I posted. That is due to the fact that recently, I have been super busy. I currently have 2 more days of school left, and once summer vacation starts, I have big plans for my blog. I will try to make at least 2 posts every day during the remainder of June and most of July. I am leaving for vacation to Turkey near the end of July, so I may not post as frequently in August, but will still try to anyways. Anyways, I have a question for you: Should I make another upgrade to my blog? If so, should it be 5.0 or something after 4.0? Tell me your opinion on a Google+ poll I made for this. Here is the poll: I have also made an official TTHT blog survey using Google Forms. Tell me what you think of my blog in a series of questions, so I can improve it for the better.  Here is my blog survey: Some upcoming posts include a ...