Forced into the shadows by his more popular companions, he is a resident villain of the Mushroom Kingdom. He wears purple, loves playing tricks on people, and looks semi-similar to Luigi. Except he's not Luigi. Just like how Wario is the evil version of Mario, Waluigi is the evil version of Luigi. So if he's a character from such a popular video game franchise, how come barely anyone (outside of meme aficionados) knows about him? You see, Nintendo, the very company that created the series, hates Waluigi. That part is pretty obvious. He is the only Mario protagonist not to have his own game, barely appears in main-line titles outside of spin-off titles, and, most upsettingly of all, was rejected as a character for the new Smash Bros game, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate . But that's enough explaining about who he is. If you still want to learn more about him, watch this awesome video by DidYouKnowGaming giving facts about him: