NOTE: For all of those people still reading this post for some reason... I already answered questions. Go to this post instead:
All submissions for this specific Q&A are closed. Sorry. But I'll host more in the future (probably one at 200K), so stay tuned!
Hello, ogres! I know that the last few months, and even years, have been very strange for my blog. So I'm sure you've got plenty of questions about it all. But, a very important day is arriving in a few weeks: The five-year anniversary of my Blogger blog, on August 28! To commemorate and celebrate this landmark occasion, I'm going to do something I haven't done in two years, which is to host a Q&A form where you can ask me anything you want!
You can ask me about blogging in general, the future of my blog, my personal goals and interests, or any other friendly question you'd like to ask. How do you ask me questions? Well, you can use the Google Form I will give a link to below or the comments section to this post.
The form is open from today, Thursday, August 8th, to Saturday, August 24. That means you've got about 3 weeks to ask me as much as you want, about anything you want! So what are you waiting for? Go and ask up so I can answer up. If my last Q&A is any indication, this will be quite fun to write and fun for you guys to read.
But asking questions won't just be a one-sided conversation in the form, either. I will also ask you guys a handful of questions since the form also doubles as a feedback survey. What do you think about my blog? What do you like about my blog, and what could be better? What should I aim to do next? You can help shape the future of my blog, not just the next post!
Here is the link:
Speaking of blogging in general, I'd like to let you guys know that since I'm leaving for vacation to Turkey soon, I won't be able to post much in the next three weeks. Half of the time I'm going to spend there will be without any WiFi connection. So instead of blogging, I'll be relaxing in the Meditteranean Sea, spending valuable time with my family, reading, gaming, or whatever other non-Internet things one does while on their annual trip to Turkey.
However, if I am lucky, and I can't promise this... I might be able to continue my tradition of doing a weekly vacation post about what fun things I did in the past week. Just maybe.
Until then, enjoy your own summers, and I'll be looking forward to answering your questions on my blog's 5-year anniversary next month! (Has it really been half a decade since I started this blog... Wow, I still can't believe it.)
Until then, this is Arca, signing off.

P.S.: Hey, pssst! Still reading this? I would have ended the post here, but I just realized thanks to IGN that today is "Spider-Man Day"! That's right, August 1st is Spider-Man day, dedicated to one of the best superheroes of all time, and an amazing comic book icon. I technically celebrated without realizing it, since I played the game Marvel's Spider-Man on my PS4. Other ways to celebrate involve rewatching the movies (Sam Raimi, MCU, or the best one, Into the Spider-Verse), going out to see Far From Home in Theaters (which I plan on writing a review of eventually), reading a comic book or playing games, or just being kind to people and helping others, the same way that Spidey would. Just don't walk around the woods trying to get bit by a radioactive spider, okay? And remember today, and today only, means that every meal is Pizza Time!
Lookin' good, Spidey. 🕸️ #SpiderManDay— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) August 1, 2019
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