Hello, guys! This is Arca, and I am sorry for not getting a chance to post yesterday. Also a shout out to Josh, as always!
According to the last poll, the two builds you wanted to see the next were a Red Angry Bird flying, and diamond boots pixelart. So without further ado, let me show them to you!

As you can see above, my diamond boots pixel art is an exact replica of what the item diamond boots looks like in the game. It has a black and grey outline, and a dark blue part of the boots toward the right side. On the left side, I used diamond blocks to give it the color that it has. The white reflections are made using iron blocks.
You can see one of my red Angry Birds above. I will show you two of them. The first one, and most recent one, that I made is red, just like the character. It has a peach-colored stomach and a beak that is yellow and orange. It has big black eyebrows and the signature feather at the top. You can't see it in the picture, but in the back, there is a tail.
Above is the older version, that I think is way better. It is bigger and you can see its features more clearly. This was part of an Angry Birds hunger games map that I made a year back. Vote on this Google+ poll about whether or not I should show that to you, it is due Saturday, July 2 at 4:00 PM: https://plus.google.com/117393279606783131402/posts/1ih5hDsHTrz
I hope you liked this post! Take a moment to vote on a Google+ survey about what Minecraft build I should make to show on my blog next. The two options that receive the most votes by Sunday are the ones that I will make and show to you guys! Don't worry if the option you wanted doesn't get picked, I will put the remaining one in the next poll, as well as add new options. Here is the poll: https://plus.google.com/117393279606783131402/posts/X1MeWgsHSRm
Here is my previous Minecraft PE builds, a Kylo Ren mask and water bottle pixelart:
Here is my previous post where I actually wrote something, where I did ABSW fanart of Poe Dameron and Starkiller Base:
I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading this. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post, and a post every day of the summer. I will see you next time. BBYYYYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
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